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shanghai f-net fiber and cable co.,ltd

All Products >> outdoor optical fiber cable

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opgw electric optical cables
opgw electric optical cables
Specification: OPGW
Detail: stainless loose tube that is welded by laser can provide for the optical fiber the mechanical protechtion and overheating protection.high tensile strength,long ***n,distortion-resistant design,good damp-resistant and anti-hydr...

non-metal outdoor light optical fiber
non-metal outdoor light optical fiber
Specification: GYFTY
Detail: installation without cutting off the power supply;superior resistance against track;the maximum faradism potential at the working point on the track resistant jacket reaches 25kv;light weight,small cable diameter,reduce the in...

rubber-jakceted optical caable for field operation
rubber-jakceted optical caable for field operation
Specification: GYFD
Detail: high strength and light weight;the high proportion of strength to weight;structurally co***ct round jacket;uite suitable for the occasions where the repeated expansion and contraction are required;distribution structure or bra...

fire retardation communication cable for mining
fire retardation communication cable for mining
Specification: MGXTJSV
Detail: in zero-halogen fire retardation cable fire retardation polythene jacket is employed to replace the polythene jacket used for ordinary cable.therefore the cable has the property of fire retardation.as for structural size,trans...

adss non-metal self-supporting outdoor optical cable
adss non-metal self-supporting outdoor optical cable
Specification: ADSS
Detail: all dialectic,non-metal,lightning proof;easy for wiring installatin & maintenance(even when the wire is live),small expansion coefficient,tolerate a wide range of temperatures;intertwisted with the aramid fibre of balance of t...

doubly jacketed armoured direct burial optical cable
doubly jacketed armoured direct burial optical cable
Specification: GYSTA53
Detail: better damp-resistant propertyh and suitable for direct burial.
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